We are proud to have the only medical digital thermal imaging system in south Alabama. This new technology enables us to identify the location of inflammation in its earliest stages – before it becomes a cause of lameness or significant tissue damage. The science of thermal imaging is basic: all bodies emit heat and the amount of heat (the specific degrees) is recorded as an image. It is accepted that normal animals, humans included, are thermally symmetric, so identifiable variation points to a problem.
Thermal imaging records body function instead of only structure like most medical imaging: x-ray, ultrasound, MRI… Once abnormal function is identified, we know exactly where to look for the underlying structural issue.
- a more thorough orthopedic/neurologic exam
- measures neurological, and muscular function
- sports medicine/lameness issues
- objectively measures response to therapy
- provides definite location for the cause of lameness without nerve blocks
- excellent for routine scanning of horses, especially competitors to identify problems early before they impact performance
- pinpoints areas of damage in difficult locations, ie dental and back damage
- an excellent means of evaluating saddle fit and hoof balance

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